Meet our members
On this page you can see which teams and projects that are currently connected to Human & Legal Hub. You can also see former teams and projects ("alumni").
We have everything from technology-focused startups to voluntary associations and NGOs with innovative approaches to current challenges.
All projects are driven by students from the Faculty of Theology, Law and Humanities.
Check them out! Maybe you will get inspired to start your own thing?
Active teams

Carnelia is a sustainable lingerie brand leading the way in the concept of Modern Lingerie. Our aim is to redefine the outdated idea that comfort and aesthetic are mutually exclusive, and that lingerie is meant for specific body types. We are committed to eco-friendly solutions, which makes us more than just the next lingerie brand. Not only do we offer a new way to intend the market, but we also propose a holistic and bigger cause to believe in. Carnelia is all about feeling comfortable in your own skin, and it's a celebration of the body through a form of self-love that must be experienced by your eyes first.
Instagram: @carnelialingerie
Creative computer science
Solsort creates web-/app-content, data science, advises here and there - and much more. Former projects include literature reviews, systems for public libraries, automatic photo-tagging for museums, consulting and development for different startups, ect.
Feel free to reach out if you wish to hear more about current projects and ideas.

ArtCat is an innovativ tech-company working with digital culture dissemination and entertainment. We are currently in the initial phase of our latest project, “CRUUZING”: an app aiming to improve the travel experience of cruise-guests and hereby boost the local economy of those destination where the different cruise-ships docks.
Key skills within
- Digital culture dissemination (video, podcast ect.)
- SoMe expertise
- Networking & investor negotiations
Contact |
Facebook: ArtCatDK
LinkedIn: artcat-aps

Cuadra Gallery is an online art gallery offering consuling advise to peadagoguic institutions, whenever they need to find an aesthethic style. This startup wish to give the institutions an opportunity to be more involved and have more of a 'say' when chosing the interieur and decorations for their institution. This, because Cuadra Gallery believes that every institution has it's own subculture, which should shine through from the art decorations on the institution walls.
Facebook: Cuadra Gallery
Børnebogsforlaget conveys science via fun and exciting stories for children, laying the groundwork for an early scientific interest that can grow throughout life. Jakob, the founder, manages the company and write the books which so far have been about Inge Lehmann, Niels Bohr, Marie Hammer and Tycho Brahe.
Facebook & Instagram: @bornebogsforlaget

Local to Global Impact connects global companies with highly qualified African labor on a freelance level.
Companies have access to talented workers with specialization within data analysis and communication. Local to Global Impact also offers the very best expenses regarding outsourcing of your company's commissions. Furthermore, the African freelance workers will this way be included in the global economy and earn a wage above their local average. We believe that this model is optimal, since it gives access to a job, an education and opportunities for self-development for people within marginalized groups.

GAMUCATEX is an edutainment organisation and an EdTech-game studio, creating full-service gaming solutions to institutions and private users. The first game is a history game about the vikings as a people, offering the users a set of skills which can be used to conquer the field of history and strengthen them as citizens. The team is international and consists of 20 professionals with different backgrounds within the industry of game-development and -learning.
Facebook & Instagram: @gamucatex
Retorisk Arena is an online media platform with free, accessable content focusing on rhethorics and communication. The team consists of current and former students at UCPH, while the content primarily consists of articles written by scientists and experts. Once in a while the students will take the word and offer a "hot take" that hasn't yet reached the expert field.
Facebook & Instagram: @retoriskarena
Instagram: @thejournal_collective
A consultant company focusing on enlivening of culture; addressed to culture institutions and companies which seek to optimate their relationship with the end-user as well as experience design in practice.
The project deals with tasks such as:
- Development of prototypes related to expansions of product ranges for B2B-webshops (fabric print with a special focus on digital printing and fairtrade craftings)
- Intercultural communication with potential business partners (Denmark.Norway-India)
- Website-opdating for Trade Design Thinking Intl. (layout, text-editing, SoMe)
- Expansion of concept(s) (focusing on curating of sustainability and storytelling through the fabric)
- Cultural dissemination of interieur architecture through the fabric
- Empirical behaviour analysis in interaction with CApE (KU-HUM), "Statens Værksteder for Kunst", Fairtrade Danmark and selected culture institutions/museum shops.
Keywords: #antigreenwashing #innovation #userexperience #facilitation #culture #interieurarchitecture

Safe space for patients in treatment for cancer. "Pusterummet" is a cooporation between Theater & Performance Studies and Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen; meant to create a seperate safe space in Rigshospitalet's own closed-off garden for the patients in treatment. Additionally the project has a route with five art-pieces as well as a guide-book that invites the patient around the route - while sensing their own body and observe the details of inside the art-pieces.
The goal of pusterummet is to create a space where the patient will feel as a person rather than a patient, and give them an opportunity to reflect during (e.g.) periods of waiting.time (which can occur during cancer-treatments.

Lexicon is a startup working to build up modern writing tools for lawyers. Lexicon aims to improve productivity as well as the individual experience of writing through the use of technology.
The past years I have been working on improving the student-wellbeing among students in Copenhagen. I have held my own student-workshops about study strategies, planning and self-care. Moreover, I have been a part of PLADS where we have created well-being-events for students.
I am educated as a Life & Business Coach and is currently developing my own startupbusiness; as a coach.
Key skills within:
- Well-being and self-development
- Dissemination and communication
- Life & Business coaching

Pink Cotton Candy Records is and independent record label. At Pink Cotton Candy we have a huge passion for music that has a singular and unique aesthetic vision, feeling and language; that which draws selectively and meaningfully on the past and present, and dares to point towards the future. Music that has an uncompromising insistence to take artistic risks, to research, to explore, an art that has the intense will-force and life-giving breath to create new (and possibly better!) worlds with all their joy and misery.
Instagram: @pinkcottoncandydk
Twitter: @PinkCottonDK

The Know How is a women’s and AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) health platform for migrants in Denmark. Our aim is to provide clear and culturally sensitive guidance on navigating the Danish healthcare system to eradicate information barriers. We believe in health empowerment and are working towards increasing women’s healthcare access and awareness for all international people in Denmark.
Instagram: @theknowhowDK

50% of kids need tutoring, but finding the right tutor is hard. Luckily, more tutoring is
takings place online, so kids anywhere can access a bigger number of tutors. Toptutors is an
online tutoring platform that handpicks the ideal tutor for each kid using a matching
algorithm. Our vision is to become a global platform, so we can help more school kids no
matter where they live.

Filox offers free and non-binding advise on business telephony in companies. After a short phone-call with the company and a look into their current solution, Filox will talk to various telephony providers and find the one solution that best pays off for the particular company. This way, Filox contributes to the company's future being both easier and cheaper.
Facebook: Filox
Instagram: @filoxdk

Collider Scope Collective is a collective of songwriters, producers, musicians and managers, building the bridge between the underground community and the more established music industry. This startup focuses on a few artists at the time in order to be able to create the best possible relation - also making a virtue of cultivating and honoring diversity, talent and drive.
Galleri Anti works with site-specific and temporary exhibitions in environments that usually doesn't get associated with art. The project equates all types of art and curates on the base of diversity principals; all to represent an underrepresented segment of the population while at the same time reaching a bigger audience.
Facebook: Galleri Anti
Instagram: @gallerianti_cph

Emma is a stand-up comedian og has been since 2016. She performs live, writes and do sketches with two of her colleagues, and by the moment she's working on a pitch for a television-show.
Instagram: @emma2renee